- Human beings have “free will”
- God is “in control” of everything that happens on earth
- Jesus died to save us from hell – zero verses on this
- There are no “second chances” after you die
- The “age of accountability” – the idea that before this age you get a free ticket to heaven is nowhere in the Bible
- Hell means “separation from God” – it doesn’t say that
- God is fair / treats all people the same way
- The word “Hell” itself does not appear in the original Greek and Hebrew Bibles. It is a man-made conglomeration of various different words with differing meanings: the grave, the pit, Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, the lake of fire etc.
I have read the OT 5 times and the NT 11 times.
In my opinion, Western-Christianity needs to go back to the drawing board…