God is NOT Violent

“Your hands are full of blood! Wash and make yourselves clean … Seek justice … Defend the oppressed.” Isaiah 1:15-17

God’s justice is to stop bloodshed and violence.

God’s justice is to defend those who have been abused by violence.

God’s justice is the antithesis of violence.


Look at Jesus:

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

“Turn the other cheek”

“But I tell you love your enemies –

“And pray for those who [violently] persecute you”

“Love your neighbor as yourself”

“Forgive 77 times” – 7 is the number of perfection. Therefore: forgive always

“Blessed are the merciful”

“Blessed are the peacemakers”

“Blessed are the persecuted”

To the adulterer: “Neither do I condemn you”

To the murderer: “Today you will be with me in Paradise”

To the violent Roman soldiers: “Father forgive their ignorance”

On behalf of the oppressed women of his day:

“Any man who divorces a woman commits adultery” – paraphrase

On behalf of vulnerable children:

“Better to cut your tongue off than lead a child astray” – paraphrase

On behalf of the needy:

“Whatever you did for the least, you did for me”

He touched the dirty

Healed the sick

Fed the hungry

Proclaimed “Freedom for the prisoners”

“Recovery of sight for the blind”

He “set the oppressed free”

He gave “rest to the weary”

And finally: “A bruised reed He will not break

“A smoldering wick He will not snuff out

“Till He has brought JUSTICE through to victory

“In His name the nations will put their hope”

The justice of Jesus is the antithesis of violence.


The church desperately needs to re-interpret the Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament’s depiction of Jesus who was actively anti-violent.

His ultimate demonstration was to absorb the violence of men in his own body when he was crucified.

The word CRUCified comes from the word exCRUCiate.

Crucifixion is the ultimate violence of humankind

And Jesus opened his arms wide and humbly received every blow

The cross needs to be re-interpreted as a statement of anti-violence

Hell needs to be re-interpreted with the understanding that God is not violent and his justice is anti-violent.

Hell is the justice of God. Therefore, whatever hell is, it cannot be violent!


Oh Father God, open the eyes of your bride, the church

That she may see your justice and grace

As one and the same thing

Holy Spirit reveal your truth about justice

Reveal your truth about the cross

Reveal your truth about hell

Jesus … thank you for dying for me

You are the God of anti-violent justice

And I am so in love with you <3

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