I admire my dad because he is hardworking. He persists through monotonous jobs. He was the breadwinner in our family for a long time. And even though he often told us “we have no money,” we were never without food or a roof over our heads.
He took the family on holidays every single year – actually a couple of times (not most holidays but some) – he worked so that mum could take us on holidays by herself or with a friend. I’m pretty sure all four kids loved family holidays, although there was one trip where Dad lost control of a 4 wheel motorbike on a farm and drove through a barbed-wire fence, cutting his throat! That was terrifying for all of us and no doubt very painful for dad. We are so lucky you are still here!!
My dad’s an early riser, up before the crack of dawn, reading his bible and praying. Every day of my life without fail he has done this – I even remember the one time he forgot to bring his bible on a weekend trip and was very upset to miss his daily reading plan. Despite the fact that I sometimes judged this to be a strict religious habit, I wouldn’t be who I am if my dad hadn’t “religiously” spent time in worship.
My dad could out-quote every Christian I knew when I was a kid and my current Pastor is the only person that I think might be able to out-quote him now. I watched my dad and I modelled him. I read my bible most days throughout my teen years. I memorised tonnes of scriptures. Now I can find the reference to most verses as fast as he can. I learned from the best.
I admire my dad’s spirituality a hell of a lot, despite any theological differences. It was my dad who first suggested to me “Once saved always saved.” And when I was still learning to memorise verses he was the one I would turn to and ask “where is the verse that says…” I love the fact that my dad prays for me every day. And I love the way he loves God for himself.
I love the way he loves his family – not perfectly, but he was always there at school functions, training my brothers’ football teams, and driving me to piano lessons. My dad did his best to be present and I never doubted that he was proud of me. My fondest memory was the time he called out in front of the whole school auditorium “that’s my girl” when I played piano at a concert.
My dad is my hero and though we don’t hear much in churches these days about fathers being the “head” of the family, I have always known that I could turn to my dad if I were in need, even though I often act like I’m totally independent! I look forward to having my dad walk me down the aisle and hand that authority over to my husband. And even then, I will never forget where and who I come from.
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